In the name of God the most Merciful, the most Compassionate
In a statement, the Islamic Movement in Jerusalem mourned Sheikh Jamil Hamami, who moved to the mercy of God Almighty on Sunday, the tenth of September 2023, and the text of the statement is as follows:
{Among the believers are men who believed what they promised God to him, some of them died and some of them waited and did not change}
Sheikh Jamil Hamami "Abu Hamza" in the grace of God Almighty
The Islamic Movement in Jerusalem mourns to our people in Jerusalem in particular and to all our Palestinian people everywhere and to all the sons of the Islamic Movement everywhere one of its most prominent founders and workers in its leadership, Sheikh
Jamil Abdul rahim Abdul karim Hamami
"Abu Hamza"
Who moved to the mercy of God Almighty this afternoon in the city of Jerusalem, and his immaculate body from the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque this afternoon, Sunday, September 10, 2023 corresponding to Safar 25 , 1445 AH.
His family and the Islamic Movement in Jerusalem will receive condolences on his death in the halls of the expatriate school in Bir Nabala, Jerusalem, starting today for three days.
It is noteworthy that the Sheikh, may God have mercy on him, was born in the city of Ma'an, southern Jordan, in 1952, and studied in Jerusalem schools, where he finished the Sharia secondary school from the legitimate Al-Aqsa High School, and moved to complete his university education at Al-Azhar Al-Sharif in Cairo, where he learned about the thought of the Muslim Brotherhood and belonged to it.
Upon his return to Jerusalem, he held many positions in the Islamic Waqf in Jerusalem, the most prominent of which were:
· Participation in the establishment and management of Dar Al-Hadith Al-Sharif and its sciences in Al-Aqsa Mosque Al-Mbaras 1979 - 1982
· He was the first director of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque in the period 1982-1985
· Director of the Department of Waqf Properties in the West Bank in 1986
· Director of Bethlehem Endowments Department in 1987
· Assistant Director, Faculty of Islamic Studies in Jerusalem , 1988
Sheikh was also one of the co-founders of the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" in Palestine in 1987, and participated in a number of official delegations in the mid-nineties, and was arrested and imprisoned several times.
The Sheikh founded with a group of men of education and reform in Jerusalem the Islamic Science and Culture Association in Jerusalem in the eighties of the last century, and supervised the establishment and management of faith schools in Jerusalem until his death, may God have mercy on him.
The Sheikh also played a major role in the establishment of many educational, charitable and advocacy institutions.
We in the Islamic Movement, as we ask God Almighty to inhabit the Sheikh to live in his spacious paradise and the company of his Prophet in the highest paradise, to pledge to God to remain on his covenant in working for Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.
We belong to God and to him we shall return
The Islamic Movement in Jerusalem / 10 September 2023 AD corresponding to 25 Safar 1445 AH.